>>6130476Diplomacy: Welcome any Dwarves willing to worship Terra and follow Council decrees into Thul Urdor, preferential management treatment
>Solaire presence does little to warm snowy region. Perfect for penitent worship, but that is up to the Siblinghood to ascertain.>Found new dverger capital on edge of snowy region, within sight of hills. Cannot go further without suitable reasoning, cold is painful, dverger tempers high and alert after battle[1].1. Battle for Thul Urdor, near end of Dawn age.
- Scout Gorm,
"Scouting Logs: Chapter 3"
>Bypassed through several dverg patrols. Arrived at their new ramshackle capital within three days of circutous routes. Diplomat decided time to break cover and wave white flag for parley near their gates.- Huntsman Kare
"Records of Huntsmen Dispatch, Log #620"
>"We wish to give you back your home. TACA[1]"[2]>"There is nothing to threaten. This is a trade."[2]>"We would want any inhabitants of Thul Urdor to follow the will of the council, and honor Terra as the ancestor of their own greatest ancestor. Rest of Dverg need not do so"[3]>"You misunderstand the intents of Habitun. We do not want outsiders to worship with us, we want all Habitun to behave like Habitun. You insisted that that would be impossible, so we fought until you were displaced from Habitun land. Now we remind that only outsiders are barred from entering Habitun, and any who wish to 'return to the fold' so to speak, may do so."[3]>"Your first request is impossible to grant, as the city belongs to Habitun. The request for labor is amenable, provided an adequate price is offered in return. The request for being left alone is also amenable, in return for it being done in return"[3]>"Let those who wish to follow do so. In time, we hope you will see the errors of your ways"[3]1. Terms And Conditions Apply.
2. Being too swift and honest as requested by Dwarf king
3. Negotiating the migration of potential Dverger believers back to Thul Urdor
- Diplomat Rive Mudamir,
"Farces And Triumphs In The Arts: Vol 2"