>>6081282This was an interesting dilemma, normally you needed the authorization of the baron to hunt on his lands, but since the baron had to put order on his own lands first you could technically cross the border, not be seen, hunt down the wolves and give a beautiful wolf pelt to your sweet lady Rose for the collar of her winter dress. But still, what if you came here, especially on a disputed border, after all Baron Crook never told that this hamlet was not yours, but he encouraged lord Hostil to claim it. You had a deal with the Neutral Lord to confirm your ownership of this land and put an end to this dispute but now maybe the new baron who had inherited from lord Hostil will press the claim. Or use your misbehavior to confiscate it. What will be your decision ?
>I shall protect all my lands, I am going on a hunt after-tomorrow, we will put these wolves down. >I shall send my knights and some men at arms to help you deal with these wolves, they could help securing your herds of sheep before my coming even if not crossing the borders.>Messire Godefroi ! You always liked wolf hunting, take Bohémond and twelve men tomorrow, and put these wolves down. >I will send a messenger to the baron, I need his agreement to hunt on his lands after all, once I have an answer I shall come to your help. >I shall send a messenger to the baron, clearly the absence of authority in these lands need a firm hand, I can take care of securing not only the lands but the keep of the Hostil lord. >Other (write in)