>>6154384“Please do not shoot me in the head, Aubrey.”
“No promises!”
“Jenn… can we just go back to bed?”
“Nope! Mystery! Adventure! A crazy girl with a huge gun to our heads!”
“Ummm? So where do I come into this?”
“You can poke my finger, Travis.”, your mirror image sighs out.
“What about me!”
“Just… please keep ‘Brey from killing me or my sister, Macy.”
A few minutes later, you were back down on your knees, index finger bleeding and waiting for the signal to go.
And then? A small silver racoon hopping on nothing but air.
Alright. Time to go.
And you jammed a bloodied finger against the bases of the symbol and nearly passed out from the unexpected magical drain. But… when before there were blue-white lined surging towards one another… now they were blood red. Then as they collided? The formed together as one, shot up into the sky. Exploded in a thunderous eruption, one which looked… like a Snake-Wood tree… one of the symbols of the School. And four bright meteors, balls of light went to the ground… four. And in each cardinal direction, as well as you could tell. Was kind of hard, what with the fainting.
And at some time later? You were back in a room that was becoming quite familiar. Your dorm… and Macy next to you? Emmy snoring in the bed opposite of you.
“Macy… what…”
“You and Em passed out after… activating those things, whatever you did to them. Travis and Aubrey helped get you back… she messed with the enchantments to let me in here. Been going back and forth between the beds, between you and Em. She seems alright… sleeping sound.”
“Fuck, indeed Jennifer. You are going to give me a heart attack at this rate.”
“S-sure that won’t be the blow?”
“One time! And you have nearly made me die of worry like 3 times in the last month and change! Jenn! I know… I get it. You probably have a fate. A destiny. Have a prophecy hanging over your and Em’s heads… Things that life won’t allow you to <span class="mu-i">not</span> do… but please? Don’t make me bury my best friends?”, and your little sis nuzzles into you some. Found the strength to drape an arm over her.
“Macy… I can’t promise that. I don’t know what is going on. Playing it by ear really… going to talk to Mini-Me soon, see if-“
“<span class="mu-s">My name is not Mini-Me. Jennifer. Jennifer Sanders!</span>.
“Oh. She’s back.”
“Ah? Good? Wish I could meet her… you sound like you were cute at like nine.”
“I promise, I was an absolute brat at that age.”
“Not like 2 or 3 years later, though. Found me. Saved me.”
I didn’t-“ and you got interrupted but a tiny olive skinned brunette.