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A drone, one of numerous multitudes, hovers over your core unleashing a steady, tiny, but powerful stream that cuts through your hull, trying to undo the haphazard repair work carried out centuries ago.
Another buzzes to the side, installing a newly manufactured camera to give you better oversight of the chamber.
More and more of your <span class="mu-i">sight</span> is restored, every single wiring replaced, every connection restored gives you more and more of a bearing about your surroundings. Having spent years relying on but your primary core camera or the various drones and robots you control, witnessing your surroundings via what could be considered to be entirely you. The overall process is a swift one and not that difficult, though frustratingly, much of your full hull is cut off and most likely scattered around the forge-temples. Regardless, in but a few days of intense and precise work, you have once again restored full <span class="mu-i">feeling</span> of the section you are in. No more faulty wiring to bother your endeavours, nor any blind spots that you have to worry about. When it comes to the damage, it had not been as bad as you feared, with there being a few holes and cracks here and there. The area housing your core had been deep within your own hull, as such the damage had been limited. As for your other hull parts, now that is a question you are curios to learnt the answer to. Though most likely those areas would have suffered far more extensive damage.
All the while you were conducting this simple, but important work, you had put your void assets to good use. Your logistics subsystem had been working overtime, getting all of the raw materials needed to get your voidyard up and running non-stop while it produces hundreds of mining vessels. Large, a kilometre and a half long ship with a wide midship is meant to devour entire asteroids by itself and to process the important materials while discarding any other remnants that would be deemed not worth the effort to process. Each of these ships would possess two hundred mining drones and two dozen exploration drones. These can be rebuilt by the mining vessel which possess on board manufacturing capabilities as well as refining ability. Other than that, the mining ships, specifically the <span class="mu-i">Falun-class</span> mining vessel, possess thick armour plates, similar to those of the Imperium’s, meant to take asteroid hits more than anything. As for armaments the Falun has, two dozen mining laser turrets meant to cut out chunks from larger asteroids for easier processing. These can be turned against opponents if it calls for it, but their effectiveness drops off at greater distances, so while posing a threat, the mining vessel is not meant for outright combat.