The Guillotine Knight is blasted into splinters and fragments. His guillotine axe-head spins, somehow remaining intact, and sinks into a nearby boulder with a resonant metallic thunk. Perhaps it could be put to some use?
Saorlai the Elf looks up and gives a weak cheer. Her face is blackened with the backblast of overcharged gunsulphur, and her hair is charred and singed. But The Elf appears to have survived - and not many cannoneers can say the same.
Saorlai takes 5 damage from the cannon backblast; 3/8 hp remaining.
QM: Congratulations on defeating the Guillotine Knight! This effectively ends the fight in this area; I just assume you dispatch and kill the remaining three Thorn Fiends - yes, there were three! Did you notice the one under the gnarled tree by the treasure chest? Always look carefully at the map for clues!
You can now write in any actions for your characters. For instance, you can try to search the area to scavenge any items, roll 1d6 on the table here
>>5484074 for a treasure, ask characters a few questions etc (they may respond with dialogue), attempt to scout out the area etc.
For defeating the Guillotine Knight, Saorla The Elf and Yazdegerd The Wizard each receive +1 attribute points! The upgrade system to raise any attribute is akin to Stars Without Number and is as follows:
- for <0, or 0 to +1; cost is 1 point
- for +1 to +2; cost is 2 points
- for +2 to +3; cost is 3 points
- no attribute can be increased above +3
So for example, with her awarded 1 point, Saorlai The Elf can increase her Will or Strength by 1 (either stat from 0 to +1). She does not yet have the required 2 points to raise her Instinct or Charm to +2, as they are already at +1.
>Decide what attributes to increase for Saorlai and Yazdegerd. You may increase an attribute from 0 to +1, or -1 to 0 etc. You can also keep the points in reserve if you want to increase from +1 to +2 later etc.>Decide any actions you want to take in this area for the characters before moving on. You can also change the formation of the characters. Is there a way to retrieve or replace a lost item, perhaps?>Roll 1d6 on this table below for a treasure (all the Thorn Fiends have been dispatched now, no worries!) You can also choose to not take anything.>>5484074>Roll 10d6 because I might need to assign skill rolls for your actions / choices in order; I will update the map tomorrow. Thank you!