>>5997452>What's something you wish your players would stop doing? What's something you wish your players would start doing?None of my players really do anything to annoy me enough to warrant saying. Ditto for the other, I don't like imposing anything on my players.
I like my players as is.
>What's are some behaviors that other quest players exhibit that make you not want to read a quest anymore? Do you ever hide posts you don't like?Constant shitflinging. Once it stops being fun and it just becomes a springboard for autists to scream at each other, I'm out.
>Do you partake in questing when you have an abundance of free time, or does having a time crunch help motivate you?I have a lot of free time to burn so most of my time spent is pissing it away in the wind, thinking of new content for my quest, or waiting for votes to come in while I cook for myself. If an actually important event happens, I usually tell my players I'm taking the day off so I can recover.
Though the last time that has happened is when I had to go to a family member's wedding, like, a few months ago?