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Oh Wrix... what are you going to do?
The truth is, you've always known what it was like to be an outsider. You are a blonde Jaxtian- not a Mainlander. The vast majority of Jaxtians are Mainlanders- out of 200 billion, only about 18 billion of them are blonde. That's less then ten percent. And when it comes to the office of the Supreme Ruler- the most coveted and respected of any persons in the entire Hegemony- blondes certainly don't seem like the first choice.
Out of all the Jaxtian phenotypes- blonde males are the shortest. There are basically zero blonde Alpha-Males as well- its more a mainlander Phenotype, encouraged and spread through the breeding program. You are the least intimidating of all the Jaxtian types- your bodies aren't even as good as climbing. Built more for arid environments and endurance over fast and frenetic strength. The Supreme Ruler must be Supreme in all things; but yet they will still stand over you. The only way through this is pure strength- pure control- a sort of dexterity and machismo combined.
You've never felt discriminated against, you must mention. Blondes are Jaxtians, there is no question of that. Racism between Jaxtian subspecies was eliminated thousands of years ago. Blondes are an established and allowed minority group. Nobody is sure why the great Akule spared the blondes so long ago- but you have a personal theory. It's to make something that the Mainlanders have to compare themselves to. An “other”, on purpose. Total destruction of anything but one single Mainlander racial body would mean that they would be totally alone- united and homogenous, yes, but also alone. With no comparison, they would have nobody to compare themselves too. With blondes, they do. We are different; the same, but not the same. The blondes do things a little differently. You have your own dances, your own little songs and rituals, your own stories. Unique. The <span class="mu-i">other</span>.
You remember in youth camp, Talacent's program, you were bunked with “normal” boys. Not Supreme Candidates, just the average normal Jaxtians of the citizen class. This was done on purpose- to prevent Supreme Ruler trainees from being insulted from the average citizen. You remember once, a Mainlander youth called you “Blondie Boy”. You were embarrassed. The camp's administrator tied that boy up and flagged his ass so hard that everyone called him “Butt boy” for the rest of the program. It was pretty funny- but any nicknames or ribbing towards you stopped immediately. Division among Jaxtians isn't allowed. But that boy wasn't totally wrong, either. You were smaller and developed slower- you were weaker then the other boys. Even of this- you have a smaller pool to compete from. Still only one in few billion- but still less competition. This is something you know an accept before you ever took the role of Supreme Ruler Trainee. There will always be that lingering truth that you may not have earned it- and that's what you are most afraid of.