>>5234421>>5234479You'll find out exactly what kind of "problems" he can cause soon enough.
>>5234421>And in regard to Eoba's words hereHe was referring to faking Gaftar IV's funeral, not his own. Though it'd be a funny meme if every Garastra keeps faking their deaths.
>>5229036>>5229054>>5229018>>5234209>>5234105Yeah, IMO that puzzle sucked major cock. For starters, I created the puzzle by drawing the gene lines to show the different subspecies traits (they were based on thickness relative to each other), and then changed both the hue and saturation. However, going back and testing it, I can see that the saturation fucked up the ability to hue-shift the bars back to the right color. The “Maktana pointing clue” was actually meant to show that the pink obedience looks like that red/orange under the hue shift- but it ended up not even being the same pink after fucking with the saturation values. I also screwed up by having the Children of Aok have their genes in the correct order, and I also probably should have had an extra “junk DNA” gene line for all of them that meant nothing to throw it off more.
Really, it was more a problem with the prompt then anything. I never should have given a “safe” answer, instead, the original intention was to make it so no matter what, the Vetuck would have become a planet-wide, monoethnic species like the Jaxtians. The idea being the CoA (being descended from the Grain Empire), were the dominant and majority species to the point where they would absorb everyone else. The “puzzle” would have been deciding what races you'd want to add to the Vetuck to influence them. Like making them big, dumb, but less able to leave the planet (red collars) would basically make them farming slaves or shock troopers, where as making them teal would have been more intelligent and useful as “proper” citizens, but weaker. The idea was also to bring in the moral and ethical ideas of basically breeding the Vetuck to make them dumber, more obedient, or even reducing their lifespan to better suite the Hegemony's goals- since they are a conquered species. Plus, the dramatic irony of the bitter hated racial rivals of the CoA (the yellowhorns) actually the ones you want to genocide the most by making them basically smarter and less obedient Vetuckers.
This puzzle just really sucked and fell flat on its face, I'm really disappointed in it. I don't blame the players at all, since they aren't psychic and can't magically know what I want, I just need to actually write up the prompts to have less freedom and make better clues. Just changing the hue with a fake color in there would have been more then enough to throw you off. Maybe even inverting the colors- that would “solve” the puzzle, and lead the way for the REAL discussion, of which race you want to mix with the CoA and which you would remove from the gene pool.