>>6190758You watch as Zamasu starts to SPLIT along that line, reverting back into the green-skinned one and the pink-haired one that looks like a scar-less Chaya, the fusion's features melting away from them both. She did it!
“What?!” the green-skinned one shouts, eyes wide with terror.
“Impossible!” the pink-haired one exclaims, unable to comprehend what's happening. The two beings fully split back into their individual selves, looking from Chaya to each other in shock. Which is a terrible mistake, Chaya immediately continuing her attack. Slamming a powerful, world-shaking right to Zamasu's face, sending the godling smashing down to the ground, disappearing in a massive plume of dust and smoke. The fake Chaya draws her pink blade and immediately swings it at Chaya's left shoulder in an overhead, bisecting strike. But when the blade strikes her shoulder,it simply shatters against her. As if it were made of glass. “Wh-Wha-? No, this cannot be!”
“I told you, didn't I? I DON'T lose.” she says, grabbing Black's right hand with her left. Crushing it in her grip, then driving her right straight through the impostor's chest as well. Once more taking their heart, ripping it out of their chest and crushing it in front of her. The pink-haired warrior's hair reverts to Chaya's usual black, eyes going glassy as they fall. Dead. She then turns back to you, checking to make sure you're okay. And as you see her, covered in blood and with a wild gleam in her eye, you know one thing for certain:
You've never been more in love in your life. But as you stare at her, you then see a tremor run through her body. The crimson glow disappearing completely, dropping down to all fours with a grunt of pain.
“CHAYA!?” you exclaim, rushing over to her. Sliding to a stop by her, hand on her back. “Are you okay?”
“Y-Yeah, I just-Tch! Can't keep the Kaio-Ken up any longer.” she says, sighing out in exhaustion. The blue glow fades from her as well, hair turning back to its normal black. “Dammit. Played around too long, used up too much power.”
“How DARE you?!” Zamasu shouts, the godling flying back, ki blade drawn as he charges you both. Immediately Chaya's aura, this time golden flares up, her hair turning gold as well as she pushes herself upright. Drawing her weapon from under her pauldron once more, its crimson blade stopping Zamasu's Ki Blade. “I'll make you pay!”
But as Zamasu attacks, you realize that Chaya's in trouble. Despite her earlier power, now she and the single green-skinned man seem on equal level. Both moving at blurring speeds, yet Chaya keeps her defenses up. Blocking every strike and firing back when she can, but unlike the god, she has to defend against each of Zamasu's strikes. As, unlike the god, she fights as if even a single blow could be dangerous.