It may be a bitter draught to choke down, but there has never been any guarantee that there is anything more - or anything better - for you to turn up, lockpick wise. Expanding your search into the rest of the Belfry is an option ... but you cannot give yourself good odds of turning up anything better than the sentimental pick and the skeleton key. Still, you do have the time, and just about anything would be a better use of it than sitting around waiting for father to return with a flute. Even if it was just heading back into his study, looking over the schematic one last time, then going to bed.
> Please choose ONE of the following:> Leave the skeleton key where it is and look through the rest of the Belfry for a proper lockpick.> Leave the skeleton key where it is and head out into the Midden to fetch water to perform Cold Touch with.> Leave the skeleton key where it is and head back to the schematic for one last round of study. [Opener Concludes]> Take the skeleton key and head into the study, looking for locks that it may open.> Take the skeleton key and head into his room, looking for locks that it may open.> Take the skeleton key and head over to the Pound, looking for locks that it may open. > Take the skeleton key and head over to [Write-In, referring to >>6114723]