Quoted By:
"I respect him. Truly do. But I got eyes and ears, I can hear shit is going to go down. People will die if we don't get more firepower. I don't think any of you want to die a pointless death. Boy's better off being one of us. A soldier, to protect you."
"Look, we want to work with you." Felix shakes his head. "Better for both of us. But we need you to revert it. Boss' orders."
"No can do, sunny." Shot shuts down the offer almost instantly. "Needs of the many over the needs of the few. He's the few." Shit, you were hoping he would've been a bit more open. But...this might prove a chance to understand him more.
<span class="mu-b">"We need to show them that we're better. That we care for our people. That we actually bother to protect humanity from monsters, Company and Anomaly alike. We're nothing like those soulless freaks."</span>
[BOUND BY DUTY] This isn't a breach attempt, at least actively. He only has the potential to do so.
[BOUND BY DUTY] Remember now? There's another factor to consider: is Kor infectious?
You quickly type out that question out to the others. They get the hint real fucking quick.
"Okay, look, sure. Whatever. Kor's fucked. Please don't tell me that meat slime is gonna...recruit others?" The question makes the Proxy blink. It looks up at the ceiling, as if trying to search for something, before taking a deep sniff.
<span class="mu-b">"Hrm. Metal's no good. Halo boy's too sanctified."</span> The proxy states. That's all the response you're getting out of Shot, apparently, but it's obvious what it meant. After the shrug, the soldier twitches before speaking in her normal tone of voice.
"Please leave unless it is for a work order!"
Shit. Okay, so if you want to get Kor reverted you're probably going to use some force. As you process what to do, you quickly check up on some of the clogged up misc orders.
>Assign D-4U9US7US to interact with the [REDACTED] and see what happens. They are also one of the D-Class that nothing is known about.
Employee Z (Loud, boisterous android) is dragging a decrepit looking old man out of the D-Containment cell with a bit too much force on their way to Security Storage, with Employee M following behind for pretty obvious reasons.
"TOUCH THE THING." Employee Z barks out as he points at the general area of the cube. "I THINK THERE'S A TRIANGLE HERE. OR IS IT A CIRCLE?"
"It's not white, at least." Your HoS shrugs.
"Shut up, shut up, I heard you." D-4U9U croaks out faintly. "Touch the weird air. Understood." He slowly walks over to where the bizarre cube is. He fumbles his right arm in the air, keeping his other on his walking cane.
When his hand eventually grazes it, you see him jolt back in pain. <span class="mu-b">A spark trails from the palm of his hand as he pulls back. A green handprint is visible on the cube now.</span>