"Bernard, is this really something you want?" A woman with golden locks and steely blue eyes was talking to a goofy-looking man in private. They weren't friends, neither really knew each other all that well but Admiral Cassandra like most top-ranked fencers knew the True Bernard.
"Everybody saw you during the tournament, you can remake your character. Stop playing the heel, you're terrible at it anyway. Especially for how skilled you actually are."
The bearded man just gave her an exasperated laugh, almost mockingly except his contempt seemed to be directed towards himself "I tried before dear Admiral, this is where I belong. It's my character. Not everybody can be The Hornet or Ser Aleister, if we're all so serious then the seriousness loses its charm. Some people need to play the comedic relief and it might as well be me."
"The Hornet is serious?"
"The Hornet has her purpose and so do I but let's cut to the chase, this isn't a courtesy call. We should discuss how to best plan out the match to make it as entertaining as possible. I was thinking it should end with me falling into a wagon of cabbages and maybe covered in soup midway through the fight!"
This was how most public duels in Peil actually went. About every major Fencer's skill was real, honed to a razor's edge but most fights in the open were done with the audience in mind purely for entertainment. This fight would likely be the Crabmen's first taste of The Republic Of Blades Public Duels.