Quoted By:
<span class="mu-b">"Come on Bluey, you haven't done anything wrong-"</span>
"I was BORN wrong!"
<span class="mu-b">"Oh shut up. Keeping the Haazar main ship here and the <span class="mu-i">most</span> of them docile is good enough. The loyal Haazar will not be harmed- we'll just deal with the pirates..."</span>
"Please... my lord... I am undeserving of this mercy!" Bluey can only barely squeak out the words through his rising tears- he's shivering.
<span class="mu-b">"You've been a loyal servant to the Hegemony for a long time and its speaker among the unenlightened. You've kept many workers and resources here to help us rebuild. Thank you."</span>
"Ohhh- your omnipotence! Your kindness and mercy is limitless! Mwah mwah mwah! My lord!"
He's kissing your feet now.
"Your Godliness, my unworthy life is yours- forever! Thank you my Supreme Lord and Master! I will never stop working for you and the Hegemony- forever a loyal servant! Mwah mwah! Thank you! One million salutes to your glory!"
<span class="mu-b">"Bluey... this is starting to get weird."</span>
In the meanwhile, your defense forces have begun trying to set up perimeters around your planetary and moon colonies- the pirates attack fast and in small groups- too small to be easily thwarted by your space stations.
With some organization; the defense against this low tech, shieldless ships improves- with one exception. The pirate crews are sometimes accompanied by a larger ship then the small skiff-like models they've been using- this ship is made of a hollowed out asteroid and is difficult to destroy with direct hits. The pirates refer to this ship as <span class="mu-i">The Rock</span> and it acts a bit as their flagship. Taking down this ship would be the last major stepping stone needed to crush the pirate "fleet".
>Dig out the old Tul's Revenge to deal with it
>Search the solar system with drones to find The Rock's hiding place (Risk)
>Put a bounty on The Rock's pilot and crew among the Haazar pirate community- let them take care of it (Expensive)