>>5512944>“I once stood in the same position as some of you now. Young, inexperienced, and naïve to the horrors of war. I thought obtaining a pegasus and learning to fly would keep me safe, but in reality, it has exposed me to more danger than I ever thought possible. Make no mistake, the job of a Pegasus Knight is not an easy one. You all have great power in your hands. Whether you’re scouting ahead for ambushes, delivering a message of strategic importance, or making a run for the enemy’s backline, there are things out there that only you are capable of doing.”The girls in the crowd look as though they’re paying attention if anything. Perhaps you had them just where you wanted them!
>“However, don’t think that this makes you heroes! Or gives you permission to run off and act on your own, throwing away your life. I’m not here to show you how to do that. I’m here to show you a trick or two that may end up saving you in the heat of battle. Because ultimately, more than anything, we want you to stay alive out there. You aren’t expendable assets that can be extinguished at a moment’s notice. There’s plenty of rebuilding to be done after this war is all over. You have a life, and families waiting for you to return to them. Let’s make sure that happens!”You couldn’t exactly call it thunderous applause, but you’re rewarded with a few cheers and claps from the cadets. They appear to be in a far better state than how you initially found them and look far more energetic. It seems you were right to trust your instincts. Perhaps after the war is over, you may explore a lucrative career in teaching?
“Alright you disgusting maggots, form-up!” Shelley yells. “Get on your damn ponies and show me some moves!”
Your cohorts move forward to provide instruction to the young cadets. Before you can join them, you’re stopped by Captain Mary. Though still putting on an authoritative face, you can tell through the cracks that the girl is exhausted.
“Thank you, ma’am. The cadets look as though they really took your words to heart. They’ve never responded to me that way before. I can see why you’re a Seraph Knight.” She bows her head politely.
>“It was nothing, honest. I’m just happy to help in any way I can.”“I wonder...is there any advice you could give…me? Truth be told, I sometimes feel as though I’m in over my head. And please, don’t hold back. I can take it.” Mary says. You find yourself somewhat doubting the authenticity of her claim.
>A): I think you’re doing a fine job given the circumstances. >B): You need to toughen up more. Their lives are in your hands.>C): Ease up a little. You’re coming off as too stiff.>D): Find some competent juniors to share the burden with.>E): I don’t know if you’re the right person for the job.>F): Write-in