>>5738748In case you're discovered... plan B!
"Valencio, get ready for some fisticuffs, you're going to knock him out! The rest of you, hide, quick!" You whisper-snap the order, which Valencio responds by balling up his inner mana into his fist.
It was at these moments that you realize a fleeting sense of time dilation, unique to such adrenaline-tinged situations: a second feels like a minute, a minute feels like an hour, so on and so forth. Which makes waiting for the strange man to arrive feels longer than it should be.
But soon enough, you start to hear the strange man's footsteps - and the ubiquitous beeping. Slowly, calmly, he strode in with the barest regard for danger you've ever seen - too fixated on his bippy thing going crazy and crazier as he gets closer to your position. "Voces?" That was what you heard him utter.
And then suddenly, BRAKK! A hole erupts from behing the closest cubicle panel. Valencio's breakthrough punch quickly turns into a quick chokehold, rapidly muting the man's already mask-muffled yell. Within minutes, he's out on the floor, his bipper turning silent as Valencio retracted his inner mana back into himself.
You both step out. Neither of you knew if this commotion might be heard by the others, but sooner or later, they're going to look for their friend here.
As perfectly summed by Valencio, "Well, what now?"
>CHOOSE ONE>□ Just leave him here, and retreat>□ Just leave him here, and get closer to ghe outpost>□ Tie him up real good and carry him back to Goblinton>□ Slap the ol' prison collar on, see if the translation system still work>□ Have Craig magic him up, see what his spirits say about him>□ Maybe Nemo has an ability that can help in communicating with the Broken Anvil guy?>□ Other (fill in)