Another random qst coincidence, recent history this time.
I only caught this section a few days ago from a WSJ article, a reference to this speech transcript.>Surely it’s damning that what so many people seem to remember isn’t Mr. Biden’s message but the nakedly political use of the uniformed Marines behind him (calling Gen. Mark Milley)—and the neon illumination that made the stately face of Independence Hall look like the entrance to a bordello in some red-light district. The Wall Street Journal article was discussing specifically Biden's 2022 Sept 1 speech, the one where he mentioned "the dagger at the throat of democracy", the televised one with the garish red lighting(?) and Biden's strange use of metaphors, where he said this:>They look at the mob that stormed the United States Capitol on January 6th — brutally attacking law enforcement — not as insurrectionists who placed a dagger to the throat of our democracy, but they look at them as patriots.(...)What a peculiar coincidence of metaphors to the very first line of the very first paragraph of my very first quest hehe. I have to admit I reuse this dagger throat one quite a lot in my games, it is like Matt Mercer with the toothy maw in old Critical Role, there are always swords or daggers or throats being threatened somewhere nooooo N V U L T U A Souvarine !!NU6pWV7z9Pv (ID: LAiUi3Zs )
11/12/21(Fri)18:12:29 No.5054156
From the sun-scarred edge of darkness the LADY Of SORROWS descends, a jewelled dagger transfixed upon the pale throat of the city below.
BERCEUSE, cradle-city of ten thousand shrines and a hundred thousand dynasties.
Strands of light entwined amidst the spires, the Hoisted Sea, a vertiginous lattice of ancient pathways, reaching heavenwards from immiserated depths, into the decadent orbit of pleasures beyond.
>tldr; President Biden lurks on 4chan qst>(no really this is just coincidence and confirmation bias)>...or is it...??? nooooooo aarggghhh