>>5885160>>5885185>>5885710Our diviners indeed detect something unnatural about these creatures; their origins lie in the abyss.
Attempts to capture one are exceedingly difficult with our current capabilities. Their acidic bile that continually drips from their jagged maws allows them to destroy any rope or net that is thrown upon them, and dissolve any muzzle one would try to place upon it. These creatures are large, man-sized in some instances, with the largest being as great as a horse.
All attempts to capture one fail. The one instance in which such a beast was killed, only after killing seven men itself, it left no body behind---it dissolved into a black, bubbling, acidic ink that sunk into the earth, killing any plant lift upon the spot where it died and poisoning the earth.
The absolute ferocity these creatures exhibit is matched only by their cruelty; they will bite a man's leg off and allow him to crawl, circling him and cackling all the while as he screams and cries out. They will stomp on his spine with their paws and dig their claws into his back, seemingly reveling in his pain, as though it makes him taste better. They play with their prey before utterly devouring them, bones and all. To watch a pack of these monsters at work is gut-wrenching; they cannot be part of nature. They are demons of the plains, ruling a domain of dust and blood.
Estimates put the pack at two, perhaps three dozen strong.
What is our response?