Sorry again for the delay, but we're back!
>>5644662A few hours earlier, back with Peppa…
“So, yeah. Nothing useful out of them yet.” Videl finishes telling you. So the ninja are trying to get information out of Gero, to little success. They’ve also tried to get some stuff out of 21, with Trip’s help, though that hasn’t had much more success. Videl’s dad has taken charge of keeping watch over Gero, with 16 and 19 sticking with him to help him out, though neither of them have been able to get Gero or 21 to talk much.
You lay back, looking up at the sky as you both sit on the roof of a taller building. The two of you have had a decent training session just a bit ago, and now you’re trying to relax. “That’s too bad.”
Videl looks down at you, frowning a bit. “Yeah. Sorry we’re not any closer to finding where everyone went.”
“Hey, that’s not something you need to apologize for.” you tell her, giving a smile. “It’s… not been easy, but Izzy’s right. We’ll find ‘em all.”
The relaxation is interrupted by someone trying to contact you through your goggles. Sitting back up, you set them back down and… unknown caller. Could be another group trying to get endorsements, could be more spam, could be anything…
>A. Eh, see who it is. What’s the harm?>B. Let it go to voicemail. You can deal with it later>C. You know what still strikes me as odd? In spite of Dabura just willingly handing Gero over to us, we’ve not heard a thing from the Cell Sentai yet. I don’t like it, feels like they’re planning something>D. Hey, I know we just had a sparring bout, but have there been any techniques you’ve been working on, Videl?>E. Something else?