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Ah. The <span class="mu-s">Houseguard</span> is here. That fighter is not like the Slicers or the Seekers, friends - that one is <span class="mu-i">dangerous</span>, well equipped and ill intentioned. We should get away from here, and rather fast too - where there is one, there will be more.
Fulton, good block - and the Sigil redirected the Force of that poor fool's strike. The rest is . . . Physics.
Lamia! Watch out! Those Seekers are crack shots and arrows, I'm a testament, <span class="mu-s">hurt</span>! You're bleeding! It's not so deep, though. Just be gentle...
>That guy got rebounded so hard he pulled you off of the roof. Ouch.
>You're BLEEDING. This is usually FAIRLY BAD.
>You take WOUNDS equal to you BLEED at the start of your turn unless you specifically take action to prevent this. Breathe in to apply your Resist to the Bleed, as DR, or try to Shake It Off to staunch the flow.
Jove? Does anyone have eyes on Jove? He's buried in a scuffle of maniacs with weapons. And those dogs look none too friendly.
>They're trying to break out their friend from your surprise grapple, and they almost got him. But he worked well as a human shield. Sadly, it looks like that dog got around behind you. Your vest took the worst of it, and your armor has decayed a little. Also you are . . .
>BLEEDING. THIS IS USUALLY REALLY BAD. At the start of your turn, unless you take an action to fight the bleed, you take Wounds equal to your Bleeding. You might try to staunch it, getting your Resist as DR per Stamina, but, uh, mild complication that you're engaged in a sword-fight. They'll see it as an opening!
. . . Hart.
... <span class="mu-i">Hart</span>. What am I looking at?
>crew phase!