>>5808499The other man tried to turn around while clutching a dagger since his sword, now planted in the soil would be too slow to avoid him a grim fate. He simply told.
-Fuck off...
That were his last words before a mace struck his head. You always were weirded out by maces hitting heads, even after so many campaigns, a mace was too small to break all the skull, it simply pressed in a part of it in the brain and the face and disfigured horribly or killed in an awful way. But you were too happy for the victory of your knight to consider watching too much on Brutus's half crushed head. It was sad for him, he seemed to be a fine chap, but his peasant blood probably stopped him from understanding that a true knight must be courteous not only in a feast but in combat too. You looked around you and constated that all the ice creatures had been destroyed, at the cost of some wounded on your side and everyone was watching this mighty battle of the two knights. You told joyfully.
-Congratulations messire Godefroi, that was a blow worthy of Roland !
He did a dismissive gesture of his hand.
-Bah ! Monseigneur, that was easy ! Another Tuesday ! The crusades ! With king Saint Louis ! Those were battles, true battles, but it has been thirty years and more that we did nothing great after this ! Brother Louis, here, remembers how we stormed Carthage ! Ah those were the times, and those were men ! Oh and your lord father was there too, he broke a camel and his rider and a camel with a single blow ! I saw it ! Those were the days, these were "knights", these were warriors, today pfff ! Gah ! Nothing ! Baveux and truandaille ! See this young man, a headband crafted by satan himself, a sword who glows in the night like a torch and what ? An armor of all steel ! And he attacks on the back, what a shame ! I tell you chivalry is dead, back in my days we didn't have all this fancy Indian stuff ! We fought with courage, with honor !
You nodded, smiling kindly while he removed his helmet and you knew that he would be ranting about it for long. You thanked the lord for his victory and the victory of your men. You simply patted Godefroi on the shoulder and saw Ancel coming with a saddled horse.
-ANCEL ! You coward ! Where were you ?
-I was saddling your horse to pursue your lady messire I prayed hard for your victory ! And nice victory messire Godefroi I almost thought that I was at the tournament of Saint-Cibard !