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The outer ring of stalls is heavily dominated by fabrics and foods. Skewered lizards are stuck under your nose and bolts of colorful and patterned fabrics are waved about when their price isn’t being bitterly debated. The prices of even common goods are definitely higher in Grabgol than back home, with one merchant hawking dusty jars filled with a mixture of herbs for a gold apiece, while live lizards were being offered up at a silver apiece. Bolts of fabric varied wildly in price, with more vibrant and complex patterns going for higher prices. Your browns and blacks definitely mark you as an outsider and you briefly linger at one of the few stalls offering completed clothing instead of bolts of fabric.
Turning your attention to the inner ring you find a wider variety of goods, at much higher prices. There’s a glass case filled with a variety of items, a quick glance with your monocle reveals the magic within some, but not all of them, maybe dungeon items? Next is a table burdened with ointments, salves and other medical supplies. A pair of clothing shops is next, much finer than the few on the outer ring, then another glass case with sparkling gems and jewelry. The last of the shops sports a variety of weapons, each chained to a heavy block of stone.
Domain storage does a quick tally, 2 gold coins, and 462 silver coins. At a hundred silver to the gold you probably have enough money for a few purchases, or you could just dig for interesting information instead. You can probably get a couple sets of clothes for you, Muffin, and Katrina for fifty silver as long it comes from the cheaper stalls. Food was just one or two silver apiece. Most of the inner stall purchases were a few gold, in particular even the smaller weapons would take most of your money. The dungeon items could definitely be interesting, you heard the stall owner price them at five gold each.
> Go shopping (Where? What?)
> Talk to a shopkeeper (Which one, about what?)
> Dig for rumors
> You’ve seen enough, go back to the inn for now
> Write in