Rolled 75, 40 = 115 (2d100)
As he took in the mysterious energy that the enigmatic wizard bestowed upon him, the Super Skittler developed a blazing aura that shimmered between the various colors of the rainbow and erupted high into the sky. "Of course." He realized, "The final evolution of the taste of the rainbow... is to become the rainbow itself!"
His elation aside, he did face two immediate problems. Those being his lack of both plastic and sugar, though the former was much easier to acquire in a landfill. Engulfing pile after pile of refuse, the Super Skittler filtered out the plastic that he could use to incorporate into his body before vomiting out the rest. Before long, he found that his body had evolved further: in addition to his aura and greatly increased strength, he also could extend four plastic, ribbon-like appendages out of his opening to allow for more effective interaction with his environment.
"Not that I cared much about threat-levels to begin with, but since I have become a vessel of the divine, it stands to reason that I have reached threat-level GOD!" The monster cackled while drunk on power, greatly overestimating his new abilities, then continued "After I wash the stench of this shithole off and refuel on sugar, I'll show all of those arrogant stiffs the error of their ways, and knock them down a few pegs along the way! Bamboo-sword Bitch, Tattoo-Psycho, Teleport-Tramp, Broccoli-Geezer, I've left all of them in the dust now. Wahahahaha!!!"
"Ureeegggg..." Some mutated monsters grumbled, having heard the Super Skittler's monologuing and shambled over to investigate.
"What's this? Someone sent me some trash mobs to warm up with? How convenient." The empowered candy-wrapped remarked, "Maybe I'm being a bit harsh: compared to current form, the me of yesterday would be a glorified trash-mob as well."
"Let's see what the new me can do!" He said as he rolled forward to attack the maggot-monsters in a straightforward, unimaginitive manner.
[I'm going to treat this powerup like Skittler got promoted to threat-level Demon and also gets an extra die for most physical abilities since the ORB that gave him the powerup was originally one of God's cubes]
>>5645154Yono better hope her sister doesn't find out company resources were used in a vigilante action.