Rolled 8, 9, 13, 12 = 42 (4d20)
>>5471436>>5471381>>5471374>>5471291>>5471230“Your plan is a good one,” you acknowledge.
Well, it IS… If not exactly for the reasons Minothel thinks it is. You don’t necessarily like the idea of acting as mask, sword, or shield for a secret elven empire, which you suspect is what he has in mind, but any plan that keeps the Drow contained so they cannot grow beyond you before you can establish power is one you can back. It’s certainly less risky, for the Great Conspiracy and your personal power, than Solinsyr’s notion of ‘normalization’.
“I am glad you see reason,” Prince Minothel smiles, then quickly amends: “Which I knew you would.”
“Right,” you say, unconvinced; if Minothel DID stage the assassination attempt, then this Prince of Tlintear clearly suspects you to be a dupable brute.
“I look forward to hearing your bronze-flecked blessed paupers singing the gospel of KING MINOTHEL from now on!” he laughs, and has his servant offer you—and each member of your retinue in attendance—a surface-crafted goblet from which to imbibe.
You accept the wine, but before you or your crew quaff, you amend this elf’s flawed understanding.
“Actually, I think it is best that YOU begin to convert your followers to the support of Solinsyr of Lahlabar.”
Prince Minothel stops short of drinking, his goblet at his lips but not quite tipped back.
“Wait,” he says, “what?”
“Oh, and you should probably convert formally to the worship of the Dark Gods Below and Beyond,” you note calmly. “To solidify this new alliance.”