>>5309736You take a moment to consider where exactly you should hide these kids.
On one hand, you have the sewers, which would have no shortage of tunnels and passages to hide in. Moreover, you’ve found that the sewers have kind-of grown on you if you’re being honest with yourself– aside from the very-distinctive smell, there’s something about the tunnels that you find almost welcoming, in a strange sort of way.
If your hiding place were to be found, particularly by FutureLabs or any of their affiliates, a closed-quarter fight could get dodgy pretty fast, and, with one wrong turn, any of the mutants here that you just saved would be good as captured.
This isn’t for you, however, and, the more you think about it, the more appeal you find in the idea of sending the captives off to Jenna’s farm. While you can’t quite recall how far said farm is from Konigsburg, there’s a lot more breathing room and room to run if need be. You’d think the kids would appreciate the prospect of open space much more than a cramped sewer as well.
It’s a no-brainer, really. And, with that, you declare your choice with a, “Let’s go with the farm!”
“Really?” Matt lifts a brow, looking slightly surprised. “Could’ve sworn you would’ve gone for the sewer if I’m being honest.”
“You said it yourself,” You tell him, giving Matt a nudge with your elbow. “Do you really think anyone here would honestly like going somewhere that smells like sewage of all things?”
“Touche.” Your brother finally concedes. “I’ll let Nova know tomorrow– getting them all out of Konigsburg will be an absolute cinch.”
“You already have a plan?” A smile pulls at your lips.