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The vaulted domain of Ουρανος above is endless blue – the morning is hot and pleasant both, as you and your men make excellent progress toward Argos, and the palace of your uncle, King Adrastus. You travel with haste, for news of a marriage at the Royal Palace has only just reached your ears, and such an union can mean only one thing:
<span class="mu-s">War.</span>
But you shake the thought from your mind for now - to each side, the passing fields and rolling hills of Hellas are a verdant tumult of life. The buzz of insects and cries of birds are constant; the boughs of olive trees and cypress perfume the air richly. The gods have blessed the lands of the Argolid richly – and why shouldn’t they? The men of Argos are the most deserving of all Hellenes of such things. The city of Argos floats atop rich fields of wheat and valleys filled to the brim with fat cattle; tens of thousands of Argives and slaves work the fields by day and return to the city by night. In return and to honor the gods, the men of the Argolid have built one of the finest settlements in Hellas, nestled between the hills Larissa and Aspis – the city and her people are particularly beloved by ox-eyed Hera Αργεια, wife of Zeus herself. The Argives themselves are the best of the Hellenes - they are a pious folk who keep and honor oaths, especially marital vows, and Hera’s love for your people is returned tenfold to her – a great temple of her worship adorns Larissa, and countless smaller shrines dot the city. As for material wealth, the teeming hordes of Mycenae may claim that as the residents of the capital of Hellas, they are the richest and most cultured – but they forget that gold is the lesser currency of the realm. None can match the Argives for honor and nobility, for patriotism and loyalty – and these riches cannot be stolen by thieves or raiders.
>Hippomedon possesses the “Argive” regional alignment trait! He gains a +3 to his CHA and +3 to his WILL.
It is your duty, your honor, your privilege, and your fierce pleasure to shelter the boundless wealth of Argos from all those who covet it.
<span class="mu-i">And as you well know – the covetous are many.</span>