Quoted By:
>Damage control.
Petra’s approach, as evidenced by the fact that the west siders have transformed and are attacking Jimena with the blunt end of their weapons (Enna with the back of her wings, Finana swinging her trident like a bat, Pomu grabbing her gunblade from the barrel so she can strike with its butt, Millie hitting like normal with her hammer, Nina just staring) didn’t work out.
The other fact is that they continue to hit each other accidentally.
◄ <span class="mu-s">Enna</span>: <span class="mu-i">BITCH!</span>
◄ <span class="mu-s">Finana</span>: <span class="mu-i">FUCK!</span>
◄ <span class="mu-s">Millie</span>: <span class="mu-i">AAAAAAA!</span>
And then on purpose. At some point, Jimena wasn’t even part of the equation.
ᕙ <span class="mu-s">Jimena</span>: <span class="mu-i">Hey, jus- don't worry about it. The weirdos inside, they'll keep you safe. This will be over before we know it, trust the plan guys!</span>
Nina Kosaka just straight-up bitch slaps Jimena across the face.
ᕙ <span class="mu-s">Jimena</span>: <span class="mu-i">AW! BITCH!</span>
◄ <span class="mu-s">Nina</span>: <span class="mu-i">Wake up. I don’t know about that, but I do know these guys out there are gonna wake up and fuck you up if you don’t do it first.</span>
◄ <span class="mu-s">Petra</span>: <span class="mu-i">Come with us. You can teach us pirate songs.</span>
Even stoned, Jimena cringes inside. Fucking Salome. Despite that, there’s just too much hard cash at stake.
>Ask Petra to use motivation magic on Jimena.
ᕙ <span class="mu-s">Jimena</span>: <span class="mu-i">Look, Pingu, why don't you do me a small favor? Gimme a lil' boost, just inject and I promise we'll be fine. No jokes.</span>
◄ <span class="mu-s">Petra</span>: <span class="mu-i">You want me to use my magic?</span>
ᕙ <span class="mu-s">Jimena</span>: <span class="mu-i">Directly in my veins, c’mon.</span>
◄ <span class="mu-s">Petra</span>: <span class="mu-i">So there’s no talking you out of this.</span>
Petra looks… genuinely disheartened. While Jimena does appreciate all the raw physical violence employed for her own sake, she can’t help but wonder if that concern isn’t somewhat misplaced. After all, these girls don’t even know her. Why would they care so much?
The Toys shake. Their movements are creepy, like those of a tarantula shedding its skin. Everyone stops to look, transformed, weapons at the ready… Yet Petra still feints a smile.
◄ <span class="mu-s">Petra</span>: <span class="mu-i">I guess that you love her that much.</span>
Before the shocked Jimena gets a word about the Fourth Reich, Petra punches her hard in the ribs- but the rage and confusion surging within, along with the dizziness from the drug and the weariness from her lack of sleep, are violently pushed aside by a geyser of energy. Jimena grabs her head and looks around frantically. It’s as if coffee is flowing through her veins.
ᕙ <span class="mu-s">Jimena</span>: <span class="mu-i">WOOOOOOOW!!</span>