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Hey guys, sorry for the long time passing between updates. For compensation, I'd like to give you a little blogpost to explain where I'm at, since I'm not going to be posting an update today either.
The quest will continue at its old pace as soon as I want to. I'm a little burned out, but I will get the energy back soon enough. I'm just taking a little intermission. We're adapting a real D&D 5e campaign book here, so it's not like there is a huge writing burden on me.
To understand why I am slowing down in updates, we simply need to look at where we are in Aranuel's story. We're currently reaching the ending of what I would consider "Act 1" of Barovian Legends. What does that mean? Well, I have a rough outline of major planned beats, and Aranuel's predicament with her sister being a let-down was always planned to be something that forces her to become heroic and face the threats in Barovia instead of ignoring them. If anons submit good votes, she will piece together the fortune reading and the curse of the valley, creating an exciting "Act 2" which may span another 3 or 4 threads.
I would like to start Barovian Legends #4 right now, but there are still some loose ends to tie up left in camp between Aranuel and her sister, so I can't write the parts I find fun and exciting yet. We can expect 3 or 4 more updates before I start a new thread.
I may even change the name of our next thread to mark the narrative change.
Anyway, that's the end of my blogpost. If anyone wanted to know more about my process into this thread, now you have your answer. If you don't care about this stuff, that's fine, this post wasn't for you. Thanks for everyone who has been reading my quest up to this point, see you soon~