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You are now <span class="mu-s">Eoba Garastra II</span>. After conquering all of the star systems in your local cluster and finishing your vow- you now have the task of actually building up this empire of empty space and virgin planets and moons you've created. To start, a more efficient method of shipping between planets, currently done by modified cargo frigates of limited size and weight. While your frigates are large ships, they are still making months or years long voyages on your all important fusion fuel. It's like trying to deliver goods by bicycle versus by train.
Over the next <span class="mu-s">five years</span>, you order and oversee the construction of a new shipping vessel. This ship is a big larger then a normal frigate, though still specialized for transport and not for combat. However, researching a <span class="mu-s">large storage vessel</span> along with <span class="mu-s">researching space-whale biology</span> a few years ago have given your scientists and technicians more insight in large scale engineering projects. While Jaxtians consider superstitions illegal- the magical “rule of three” seems to apply here. The <span class="mu-i">next time you advance in engineering, large scale construction, or space ship technology</span> will allow you to construct the next larger class of ship!
...But you may not live to see it. At this point in time, you're in your <span class="mu-i">eighties</span>, and are severely running out of time. Even worse, your medical scan seemed to show an earlier then expected death date- shorter then what you expected from your young lived genetic ancestor- Eoba I. In fact, it's happened to <span class="mu-i">everyone</span>.
Over much of your reign, the reliance on <span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-i">recycled biocubes</span></span> has reduced the total maximum possible lifespan of everyone who ate them. While you were assured that the biocubes were safe- the long term health effects were unknown. Thankfully, your swift action to undercut the real food merchants decades ago allowed for “real food” to be the staple of all Jaxtian diets since then. You already knew you had to focus on your legacy- but now it feels even more urgent!
Your AI network informed you about a “time capsule” message that was accessed by your predecessor, <span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-i">Agori Falathane</span></span>. As it is physical media, the rogue Alavis AI never destroyed it. You watch it once, then again, and consider deeply what he says. It seems to sum up the troubles you faced early in your reign- and defined exactly your thoughts on the Hegemony up to this point.
The truth is simple. The <span class="mu-i"><span class="mu-s">Succession of the Supreme Rulership needs to change</span></span>.