>>5181911>Salt threshold with SenseClearly, there's something here about the cult of fame and celebrities. Literally feeding himself to the masses. It's like those dudes who rip pieces of shirts from the musician that's entertaining them; everyone wants a piece, everyone wants their fifteen minutes of fame.
The name thing is interesting. How is Presley aware that the TV is forgetting something? Robot to robot, obviously, but in the new age, everything is recorded, everything is memorized. Cutting out equals forgetting...
>>5182038>>5182043Employee K. I see the picture. You know how like these anomalies tend to represent something in the human superconsiousness/shared experiences of these CITY SLICKERS? (Individual unconciousness connects to larger, included into the greater whole.) This is the IDEAL EMPLOYEE. The PARADIGM that P-Company employees adhere to. Something about platonic forms or something or other, and we've got Employee K. I bet the big boobs is part of that ideal state of an employee, hehehehe.
The work with Fortune is most likely a sort of a "ghost in the shell" moment, "Do not forget me." A melancholic moment, if K is even aware of it. A hollowed out shell of an employee.
"There is an idea of a Patrick Bateman. Some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me. Only an entity. Something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours, and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable, I simply am not there."
>>5181923>[BOUND BY DUTY] BOUND FOR GLORY.>Have Spike and Future at the ready.Alright, I got no clue about which other employees are murdermachines. I also kinda want Employee B ready to activate the Beast as well. No cluwne, because that would ruin any semblance of a fierce, good fight.
"Bring me everyone. EVERYONE!"