Thanks for posting the thread! As is obligatory, I must say that I am the actual guy running this quest, which is itself a spin-off for Sun Belt Crusaders that came at a very inconvenient time and has faced so many delays that it's gone from frustrating to comical back to frustrating again. But I feel it this time, I think it'll actually happen. Porfirio's back, I can feel it in my bones!
For anyone stumbling in, it's an action-movie styled prequel to the aforementioned quest based loosely off of the old flash game "Road of the Dead" and a million other things I've ripped off, including the real life locations of Los Angeles. The opening post should cover most of it.
>>5388114I never left, or rather, I couldn't /qst/ for several weeks. Which means I did kind of leave? Ah, I'll just use the definition that lets me best cope with what's turned into a semi-hiatus for the main quest.
With that out of the way, here's the next update, which I was writing while unable to /qst/. I managed to get the votes and had to do the rolls for l00t on my end, which I know you guys don't prefer but which had to be done. The results were... interesting? Yea, let's go with that. Bit long, but I suppose that's what happens when you're gone for such a while.
Also, totally unrelated, here's a pic of Walter White as Pope generated by an AI. Apparently, people have been forcing AI to make so many pictures of him that it's gotten surprisingly good at rendering him. I'm not sure if this is some divine sign or a Blasphemy unto Heaven