Rolled 79 (1d100)
>>5634609>W H A T D O Y O U W A N T ? "Be reasonable; demand Everything."
>"I demand to overcome all odds. I Will bring Yui back."Honestly, when I implored a rebellion against the dying of the light:
>>5633973 , I've didnt think of actually dethroning the very QM, the god of this quest, but you did.
You literally abolished god and risen rocks. Beautiful. I support you metaquestoral rebellion completely.
There is a concept in literature called "death of the author" - it's about readers relationship to the canon, broadly speaking. We have a legitimate reason to assume anything as Canon of our own. "Canon" is just a word!
If only I wasn't so busy today and tomorrow...
>>5634612Add Cthulhu and I'm in!