>>5164035>>5178153In case you are wondering why I called out specifically this former Deputy Supreme Allied Commander of NATO, who is now apparently mainly focused on his gender issues charity genderforce lol, well he apparently wrote some 4chan /qst tier fan fiction about Russia and Ukraine (which I have not read) but pic related may help you ascertain its quality lol.
The chilling political thriller dangerously close to becoming reality
According to General Sir Richard Shirreff, recently retired Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe we are already at war with Russia. Putin is waging war by unconventional means: terrorist attacks in Ukraine and in the UK and cyber warfare. This book shows how war with Russia could erupt into conventional warfare with the bloodiest and most appalling consequences. As Admiral James G Stavridis, US Navy, former Supreme Allied Commander Europe, says ‘You fail to read this book at your peril.’
Putin has already started a lethal dynamic which, unless checked right now, could see him invade the Baltic states.
Russia’s invasion and seizure of Georgia in 2008 was our ‘Rhineland moment’. We ignored the warning signs – as we did back in the 1930s. Crimea in 2014 was the President’s ‘Sudetenland moment’ and again he got away with it. Since 2014 Russia has invaded Ukraine. The Baltics could be next.
Our political leaders assume that nuclear deterrence will save us. General Sir Richard Shirreff shows us why this will not wash.