Pleasantly drifting through a restful cat nap, it isn’t long before you feel the warm tickle of the afternoon sun’s rays on your face! Awakening with a drawn-out, but satisfied yawn, you find yourself walking down the sidewalk downtown. Yes, you mutter to yourself, you had an appointment–how could it have slipped your mind so easily?
Doubling your pace, you politely skirt around what little pedestrians share the sidewalk–an old man walking his older dog, a giggling young couple, a flock of chatty businessmen. Reaching the end of the street corner, you pause on the curb as a traffic guard waves the midday traffic through the intersection. As his eyes meet yours, the bright-colored man gives you a subtle nod before raising his gloved hands in the air like a conductor! Like magic, the cars slow to a halt, and with a genial wink the guard motions for you to cross!
Giving him a friendly wave, you’re just about to step off of the curb when a shadow engulfs the whole block… and an all-too-familiar song reverberates across the city! you turn to face the source, you barely manage to duck under a spinning sixteen-wheeler emblazoned with the <span class="mu-g">GOOD BOY DOGGIE BONES</span> mascot hurtling down the street!
Though you manage to avoid being pulped, the traffic guard, a few more pedestrians, and the majority of the commuters aren’t so lucky! Within seconds the once-peaceful intersection descends into bedlam–as the survivors writhe on the pavement covered in their own viscera and vehicles burst into flames, the origin of the hellish music stomps into view–with shoes that could crush a cathedral!
“<span class="mu-s">YES, STAN…</span>” Booms an echoing voice from far above, “<span class="mu-s">IT IS I: BORIS! YOUR IMMORTAL FOE!</span>” Following the massive pair of legs upwards, you find yourself staring at a <span class="mu-r">BORIS</span> the size of a skyscraper! Compensating, much?!
“<span class="mu-s">BWA HA HA! HOW’S THE WEATHER DOWN THERE?!</span>” He laughs, smashing the buildings around him like a bully wrecking sandcastles! “I’D SAY YOU LOOK LIKE AN ANT FROM UP HERE, BUT THAT’D BE HURTFUL… TO THE ANTS, THAT IS!”
<span class="mu-r">BORIS, YOU KING-SIZED CRETIN,</span> you exclaim as you shake your fist his way, this is just another one of his screwy schemes, isn’t it?! Snapping an antenna off of a nearby roof, your colossal co-worker cleans between his sparkling teeth before letting it fall to the streets below! “<span class="mu-s">OF COURSE,</span>” He boasts, spreading his arms wide to bask in his wickedness! “<span class="mu-s">YET ANOTHER FINE ADDITION TO MY MALEVOLENT MACHINATIONS!</span>”
Stomping towards you with a cheshire grin on his face, Boris slams a fist through a building with each monstrous step! “<span class="mu-s">THE SKELETONS! YOUR BLACKOUTS! SUE HATING YOU! SYBIL GETTING WITH ART! ALL MERE STEPPING STONES IN MY GRAND SCHEME!</span>”
You <span class="mu-i">KNEW</span> it!