QM: Actions...
None of this Aztec-Tolkien-Moorcock-Shakespeare-Ukraine-NATO nonsense matters to you. You are infuriated this cruel woman dared slap you! Well, her head makes for a pretty good trophy. Commence combat, attack with the choices here
>>5344472>Gwaith Camlann, the sword>Anagnorisis, the Flower Wand>Caulbearer, the demon war-mace(QM: beware, there may be a trick here...)
>Attack with a spell using the flower wand. Write in and describe what form you wish it to take. You feel your command of the rites has improved, though it is far from mastery yet. Remember the perils of all magic, and their ever-present consequences.>Take and don the Black Dragon Armour in the ruined spiral well. Well (hehe) you may just have to strip naked in front of this princess lady(the armour is missing a helm and a gauntlet)
>>5344453>>5344454>Offer to undertake the execution of this corrupted and evil Slave-Taker, Urshull Vandal-Eye. >>5344489Perhaps your sword can finish the task?
QM: if you choose this option, you must specify
>Public Execution>Private ExecutionThe Prince Provost Lady Ursa will insist upon a public execution. You can attempt to persuade her later, though.
>Visit the dungeon where Urshull the Slaver is being held. Perhaps question the Silverless mercenaries guarding him, to learn of some more details of why he cannot die.>All of this is really boring and tedious. Push past this woman, and explore the sun-scorched city ruins by yourself.>All the clues you need should be here. Speak the true name of Urshull Vandal-Eye.>You know the place where the dragon Lotan resides. Greentext link the paragraph section of this thread that describes it.