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I am going to try something different, let's see if this works.
You begin to harass the being. You start out with a few pot shots, and draw it's attention, then realize that it is the primary threat, and it needs to be dealt with now.
You take the mud and put it on the axe and you begin your run in.
The Rangda are deadly foes. You see men fall, and it angers you. Your axe is able to find it's mark every time.
Then the Alpha decides that it will engage.
It doesn't even seem to notice it's own servants, which makes it that much more despicable. It moves, in a way that could be considered similar to an insect or snake. It doesn't move like most creatures. It comes at you the way a creature that knows it's whole body and existence is a weapon.
You dodge it's first attacks and parry the next few.
Things around you, are starting to react differently.
The other Rangda when you get close to hitting it, dive in front of your blade and die.
Your men around you are starting to scream and yell in fury. You try to calm them.
"HOLD. DO NOT SHOW IT YOUR EMOTIONS" You say not sure what is going on, and you can feel the men calming somewhat.
This thing is effecting their minds and you have to stop it.
Your style has to adapt.
There is no honor here.
When a creature leaps infront you use the adriathic element anhilliating it, then bringing the axe down to hit. First try- miss. It jumps back despite it's huge undulating strange metallic yet organic seeming form. Fighting Kolinaisi would be easier!
You get in closer and do a better feint, and yet another Rangda servitor attempts to block, but you hit it with the adriathic in a much riskier show and you hit the strange armor and the void shield flickers, but you cut deep enough that you get inside the 'flesh' of it.
And it wails.
It howls.
Some of your men fall over from the noise, you are not sure if they are alive or dead so you search for a throat and strike it. The beast backpedals and takes a different stance to fight. It begins moving rapidly, attacking and retreating.
It's almost as if it's getting joy from this, it revels in this.
Then, it's appearance alters.
And you see it for what it actually is. A face.
An actual face and a mockery of human form.
Teeth that curve up and out from the mouth, two sets of fangs from a too large jaw. A strange nose and large bulging eyes upon a red face and long hair. You can swear it is smiling.
Then it steals your face.
It looks just like yours. Clearly a tactic and it knows you know.
It doesn't halt your attack.
You come at it faster. It's face mocking yours, more emotional and twisted, almost as if it's ruled by them.