>>5843398“Don't worry, we'll help you out. But we'll need you to wait for a bit.” you tell him, Aku raising a brow comically high. “We'll need to gather a team first before heading down into the underworld. Besides, if we're fighting Demongo, I can think of at least two others who want to get their revenge against him.”
“Ooooohh, I see. Very well, I shall wait here.” he tells you. “When you've gathered your team, return here to me, and I shall open the portal. However, I will have to stay on this side of it. Not only to maintain the portal, but to prevent anything on the other side from coming through into your world. It would be quite rude of me to allow the undead to roam free on your world in exchange for your help.”
“Are you thinking who I'm thinking?” your wife asks, turning towards you “Are you going to ask Chilli?”
“Yes. Him, Leyas and Sarada, and Ubo too if he'll join us.” you reply to her, then ask. “Mind asking Chilli, while I go get the twins?”
“Of course.” she replies, raising her right hand to her forehead as she no doubt starts calling to him. But as she does you raise your hand to your forehead as well, finding the twins' powerlevels. Then, with a thought and moment's focus Instant Transmission to them. One moment you're standing next to Aku, the next find yourself back in the city. Standing outside a very familiar restaurant, one you wouldn't expect to be such a place from the outside.
“Karn? What's going on?” Leyas asks, seeming completely unsurprised by you just appearing before him. “Everything okay with Chaya?”
“Yes she's fine. She's with Elder Pybara now, to hopefully get herself straightened out.” you reply. “Speaking of, appreciate both of you for earlier. But Aku just showed up.”
“Aku? Oh, wait a minute. Does that mean-?” Sarada asks, unable to finish her sentence.
“Yeah. Demongo escaped containment, and took one of Aku's daughters as he'd taken you two.” you tell them, the twins' expressions hardening immediately. As victims of Demongo themselves, they have very little pity for that monster.
“We're in.” Leyas says immediately, showing zero hesitation. “When are we leaving?”
“As soon as Meloka and I have gathered everyone. She's going to get Chilli, just in case. And I'm going to see if Ubo wants to come along as well.”
“Yeah, his power would be good to have along.” Sarada replies, nodding her head. “C'mon Leyas, let's go get armored up. Give us the call when it's time to go, and we'll be there.”
“Will do.” you tell her, the twins taking off and flying towards their home to change from training suits into their armor while you reach out telepathically to one of your longest-known non-Saiyan friends. “Hey, Ubo. Are you busy?”