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Well, since it is taking Newb a long time to update, I will in the meantime show the new ship design I made since the last thread.
Presenting: Destroyer Class - Seraphim
The seraphim is a destroyer class ship built to be a central part of wolfpacks or supports for Capital class vessels. With its internal multi-purpose design, this ship is a workhorse of any fleet it is a part of. And a ship nearly any desperately damaged captain will be happy to see.
Its armaments are relatively light for its class, but it boasts an above-average laser point-defence network, as well as 12 downsized gimbal railguns. The main purpose of this vessel's armaments is to support the anti-missile defence of other, more defenceless vessels (Like the Harbinger or Herald class frigates) with its laser arrays. While the ship's railguns target aircraft, and harass any larger vessels trying to approach it or any allied ship near it.
The internal layout of the Seraphim was designed with redundancy in mind. Nearly every compartment has been separated into several distinct sections. The internal structure between these sections has been reinforced with thin layers of armour plating to increase general survivability. The ship contains 3 separate fuel storage sections able to pump fuel between each other two independent thrust systems (frontal and back), a main and backup/auxiliary generator, two independent living quarters with each their own functional life support systems, two gunnery rooms each communicating computationally with one another but able to function independently (loosing one massively decreases the ship's ability to fight). With the Command room, storage area and Warp core being singular, to the despair of the ship's designer.
The purpose of this segmentation is to let the Seraphim act as a bullet sponge while letting its crew survive if prepared to evacuate large parts of the ship until repairs have been completed. And allow the ship to recover from fights despite being stranded far away from any allied port if given the time to do so.
The ship can also support damaged friendly vessels, as its largest engineering bay has limited manufacturing capacity. Using raw materials in storage, the Seraphim can manufacture onsite repair parts for critically damaged vessels, or repair the simpler damages done to itself after combat. To help with the repair of friendly ships, the Seraphim employs a large externally extendable cable called "the umbilical cord" to connect any downed vessels to the ship's secondary auxiliary power plant. Allowing frigates or sections of larger vessels to repair their own power supply while retaining life support.
The Seraphim's combat capability is subpar for a vessel coming in at 403 meters in length. With most ships its size being able to easily take it down due to the vessel's combination of moderate speed, medium armour and weapons unable to threaten anything larger than a frigate. But as a support vessel, it does its job well.