>>5716199>>5716253>>5716638>>5716641>>5716656>>5716782That's a typo, my bad--the choices should be listed as:
>Regenerate: A spell that stimulates a body's natural regenerative ability. The spell will close wounds and regenerate body parts for the spell's duration. Wait, couldn't you use this on yourself?>Divination: A spell that affords you contact with the quasi-real. You can ask a single question to a god and they will offer a truthful reply. The communication is instantaneous.>Find Familiar: A spell that summons the service of a familiar, a spirit that takes an animal form you choose in a space within range.>Black Tentacles: A spell that summons ebony tentacles from the VOID. You can control and command these tentacles as you so please.Also, you can select an offhand, but you should still choose two spells.