>>5654064>>5654065Sky-Hoof examines the horn closely, smacking it against a rock to test its hardness and strength. It's very strong- his skills he learned from his people and from his birth-herd are still very good, so he knows exactly what to do with this.
The medicinal property of Cragbeasts are well known in the north where the Brombles hail- but in these lands they may be less known. It's no matter- if the horn is not up to his standard then none here will know what a missed opportunity this may mean...
He leaves the thin point of the horn in the fire to soften it up, before with great difficulty snapping it off with his hand and a rock as a pivot. He looks at the stump of the still slightly-bloody piece of the animal and finds exactly seven age-rings inside the horn. All fresh, all of high quality- seven years of strong and valuable life. Sky-Hoof moves quickly now- not out of any fear of it going bad but simply from sheer excitement- adding the horn to a fire with a small mixture of common herbs and melting away the connective tissues within it. It is a well known fact that Brombles are herbivores- and consuming any part of a living thing is very troublesome for them and can make them sick- yet despite this, their people go to great lengths to create this specific potion. Within the horn is the Cragbeast's virility and strength. This elixir is magic- and contains the essence of the creatures strength. Not only is it said to add seven healthy years to the drinker's life span- but more important it grants strength and power to any warrior. Young Brombles who show great promise or earn the right to consume the elixir by slaying the beast themself are given these powerful elixirs to make them more powerful warriors!
Sky-Hoofs special potion will grant one character a <span class="mu-i"><span class="mu-s">permanent+1</span></span> to all <span class="mu-i">combat rolls</span>!
Who does Sky-Hoof give the potion to?