>>5396487Luckily, the environment hasn’t changed and the ambient, searing radiation hasn’t yet caused enough divergence to make a new species. The Flounder Feeder is in a much better spot than before. Unluckily, the Flounder Feeder isn’t the only species that’s been improving. The Double Mouther has started to grow a tail fin and sturdier core muscles, allowing it to swim with the tide much swifter. This hasn’t improved its survivability but in terms of catching Lump Grazers and Flounder Feeders, it has become much deadlier. This is a significant problem that could worsen over time if a countermeasure isn’t made. For now, the Double Mouther isn’t devouring every Flounder Feeder that isn’t killed by the rocks and many more manage to age enough to die of cancer, which is a major improvement. Overall, the Flounder Feeder is in a much more stable position than they were several hundred thousand generations ago.
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