When you get back it's past moon-drop.
You go check on the Dimmies progress. Not bad at all. You just add a few pokeys at the bottom of the pits, adjust the leafy coverings, and itz gudd.
You mark out a few other spots for them to do before sun-up.
You have a gudd feeling about your pit traps.
Who knows. You might even kill a Man.
>Dimm Cult Bo3 85 Gen vs Wildlife 12>7 degrees of success>You will get 1LM free per day for 7 days[BALANCE SHEET]
>§907.5 + 13>= §920.5>00 Dedder Dusts >5 Dimm Cult >Toady 12/12HP >Quality Kludge Armor 15/15Dur >[Helff Swigga] 5/6 gluggz [MAIN OBJECTIVE]
>Yang Wuhan still needs 44LM >20 days remaining >Derreschston pop. 60LM >Derreschston SUS penalty -10 - 12(/15) from Sordyfagg Missing - 8 From Towser & Stumpy Dedd[2C1R]
>SERCH >Cherch (Ш) (familiarity bonus +15) (mostly sacked apart from kitchen, maybe one or two upstairs roomz...) (if you sack the kitchen it WILL be noticed by breakfast) >Cherch (Ͳ) (familiarity bonus +15 +10) >Pit (familiarity bonus +10) >Mass Grave >Mart Street >Mayorate Court Courthouse (Familiarity bonus +15) >Mayorate Court Residence + Stables (Familiarity bonus +10) (DUSTED: YOU will suffer -10 GenPen for two days if you visit here again)>Skirts >BLOOD GETTY >by chokey choke? (GARROTE) >by slashy slash? (DAGGA) >[From whence? Write-in] >CORPSE DUST GETTY >Pit (Dedder Dust collection bonus +40) >MOAR DIMMIES MAKEY (same as GARROTE)>KLUDGE / STABBUTTAGG >[What? Write-in] >STALK >TownBoss >Pit WatchBoss >TRAINAN (Costs §2.5/day)(Carrionpede currently +4(/4) To Hit & +3(/4) Dmg) [CHOICE 2]
>Day/Night? [ROLL]
>1D100 >Yang Wuhan still needs 44LM >21 days remaining >gain 1LM/day for the next 7 days>Derreschston pop. 60LM >Derreschston SUS penalty -10 - 9(/15) from Sordyfagg Missing - 8 From Towser and Stumpy Presumed Cooked 36 hrs
>>6098275>>6097961>>6097847Dear droogz, you have successfully looted and hobbled most of Derrechston.
Unless you wish to explore more
there is more, I extend you the offer of rollan multiple Days of BLOOD GETTY until you have diminished Derechston's Pop. to <45, and max out total SUS penalty at -40.