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TalOS nodded to the question that was asked by the Arch Magos of the Collegia Titanica with a firmness of support. Those on the floor were obviously expecting the issue but certain revelations seemed to have changed their perspective. Communication between Mars and Lucius was scarce as the loyalty of Lucius could not be fully ascertained so neither side presented information on their elite forces.
With the trained eye of two Genetors though it became obvious to the High Court of Lucius that they had indeed created similar supersoldiers. That the Acillians and these Luna Wolves were cut by at the very least similar styled cloth.
The two might have had an answer believing that their forces were different from one another. To base their answer on the most likely event that Lucius simply did raw experimentation with the human anatomy. That was not the case.
There would have been a moment of questioning and wonderment for the other side. Maybe guessing whether or not what they were slowly realizing was true. Currently the only soldiers present within the room were the standard robots and Skitarii that tradition dictated. As the one who organized this event TalOS knew this was inadequate protection especially when they had better options.
To affirm what he was about to do he looked towards the others and sent out a simple message through the Noosphere. The High Court unanimously were in agreement and thus the wordless order was sent out.
From the shadows and halls of the courtroom the Steel Wardens Emerged. Sleek in armor but heavily armed they came down and placed themselves around the representatives they were instructed to protect. Their armor and the armor of the Luna Wolves differed in a fashion that the Acillians looked more related to their Kastelan Cousins instead of those belonging to the Luna Wolves but the fact is that they were obviously similar to one another.
The Luna Wolves on the ground were now looking at a variety of new contacts with what TalOS recognized as a cold alarm. While those belonging to the Mornival kept the most composure those who acted as Banner Bearers seemed to be deciding whether to reach for their armaments instead of holding the banners. While the Magos was the most disturbed Horus Lupercal simply looked forward as if he had figured out this would occur the moment he identified who TalOS was.
The Magos held himself for a moment before looking towards Horus with an eerie gaze and then returning to the crowd, “This is a revelation that cannot be understated, Arch Magos. It will need to be discussed between the Mechanicum and Imperium as a whole.”
All eyes turned towards Horus who weighed the options. It seemed to TalOS he wished to declare something but then looked towards TalOS, +This is a matter that should be discussed between my Father and the one who holds jurisdiction over your experimental soldiers.”