Quoted By:
<span class="mu-g">”Sticks, Red... I like those names. But I'm not sure.”</span>
“What about the Nobody, young master? That would be an interesting name.” Athena says.
<span class="mu-g">”That's too confusing. Just imagine a crook going- “Look out! It's Nobody!” See what I'm saying? They'd use something else. Something less cool.”</span>
“Perhaps name him “The Immortal”, like the Persian Immortals, rising whenever struck down to be replaced by another.”
<span class="mu-g">”Too historical. Plus, there's only one of them. Maybe if there was a group with the same training all pretending to be one superhero vigilante...”</span>
<span class="mu-g">”I don't know, I just don't like that one. His mask is the defining feature... The Mask.”</span>
“The Mask it is.”
You adjust your Spyscope, twisting the knob, you can see thru the buildings and adjust the rangefinder all the way to level 5 from here, within your comfortable, secure treehouse. It picks up the sound of the masked vigilante making sure the fellow kid is alright. It definitely makes him more appealing in your eyes.
Your name is <span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-i">Reginald Noth Murdoc Esquire</span></span>, but you much prefer Reggie. Your “noble title” is way too long, and sounds dumb. You have a thing for names. You like to give them to interesting people, the exemplary, those who define human excellence, the unique. Heroes... or villains. It's much more interesting then what goes on here, on <span class="mu-s">Level 2</span>.