>>5925333>>5925888>CONANInteresting cinematography technique I just noticed examining the very first still image at the top of the pic related here
>>5925333(the one where Conan is chained with the neck collar and sitting in repose cross-legged on the cart transporting him to the gladiatorial pit-fights)
If you look closely, despite the apparent composition of this still image being one of enslavement / abject abasement, Conan still looks supremely powerful.
This is because the camera position has been lowered; the camera ie you actually gazing up at him with awe (if you follow the barbarian's gaze, he appears to look over your head) this is a common camera positioning technique to make people look powerful and commanding.
The symmetry of the chained sitting slave cart shot also seems to signify balance, acceptance and serenity. In fact it echoes the very ending image in the film of the Barbarian King seated upon his throne - yet notice how that image is brooding, dark and distinctively unbalanced, unsymmetrical (the lopsided spear etc) suggesting that age and conquest has not brought peace but instead restlessness, a haunted look showing the burdens of regret and unease unknown to youth.
Just an interesting and subtle visual juxtaposition I found, hehe