Quoted By:
<span class="mu-i">The concussive crack of a pair of stingballs going off resound down the hospital corridors, a barricade heavily manned by a garrison of ready street fighters turned to confused, stumbling, defeaned foes on the ground, hands limb, spots dancing in front of their eyes. The awed fighters still standing are split between stoic military discipline and running for the hills...</span>
Agents... Dammit. That's not Smon Mick. Take that guy out and... hm. No, we have definitively intel he was heading for the laundry. Take him out and search the area. Something isn't right.
Agents, I'm tracking Mr. Yagaman and I've informed the Chironan Corporate to send an intervention team because he's destabilised. I think the automatic fire or the drones the noise or the shooting or the grenades or the sword fighting or the blood or... Well, look, people like that, they have any number of triggers. Don't blame yourselves. He's two steps short of the supernaut extropian that wrecked B-Rothskies.
Hopefully, he'll wear himself out running a redline level 5 (FIVE!!!) override and when ChirUplink realises he's not in dire danger, they'll re-asert the augmentic lock. We can hope that happens before he encounters any Metroplex officers or something worse happens.
Asset Ajiva, you've lost significant fractions of your available drone complement. This is hostile terrain, so I'm limited in what I can redeploy for you - it'll have to get through the perimeter. I'll task some units and I think I have a solution regarding a rapid insert, but it'll be a little while before I can get some more units your way. Hold on until then, alright?
I'm going to have to write you up for ignoring my repeat request that you handle the enormously volatile corporate asset with care, Asset Ajiva. I know it's a stressful environment down there and you're doing your best. Just... pay a little more attention, alright?
Agents, you've got a clear shot at the corridor access and deeper hallways that lead to trauam care facility where Mox is being held. Fantastic work. And the civilian are out -- well -- the MOMENT that guy stops HAMMERING the hallway with automatic fire then the Civilians are clear too! And no casualties so far! Yeah, the place is wrecked, but the government will probably handle the insurance money. And the lives saved are what really matters!
Excellent work!
>Agents to go go go!