So I’ve been thinking a bit about the feedback and I think
>>5915432 a had point. There seems to be a certain niche that isn't quite covered by the current line up. Pic related is an updated list of voices.
I do concede that there hasn't been much opportunity to really interact with NPCs as I've been a little impatient to shuttle you to the next plot point. So maybe it a good time for some side stories.
I'm also the kind of writer that struggles to make a character fully formed from the get go. I kinda need to explore the NPCs myself if I want them to have more.I still need a bit of a break so updates will move slowly even if I don't take the full week off, but hopefully I'll result in better writing.
And some more art>Which NPC would you like to spend some time with before we move the main plot onwards? (There'll be time for more than one)>Althea>Eliza>Tyrol>Your Mom>General Varkas>Grigori Findan, your economic advisor.>Edwin Malchus, former head mage and assistant to Eliza.