>>5484289Previously on Saiyan Conqueror Quest:
Karn, along with the Cold Clan confronted the Zoldyck family about their son Milluki's treason and attempted murder, Zeno Zoldyck decided to call for trial by combat. However, the assassin clan attempted to end Karn, King Cold, and the others' lives while Freeza fought the Zoldyck patriarch. After dispatching the help, some of whom were extremely powerful as well as the oldest Zoldyck, Karn finally captured Milluki once more and returned to the combat site. Where Freeza, no longer playing around, executed both Zeno and Silva Zoldyck. Found guilty by his grandfather's loss, Milluki was executed by Karn and Meloka before they went home. After several weeks of peace, it was finally time for Chaya's departure with the attack force to Planet Yardrat, Karn choosing to accompany her along with the other fighters after asking the emperor and King Cold if the planet could be his if they surrendered. After getting the affirmative, Karn departed New Salda with his oldest daughter, oldest twins, and dozens of other warriors.
As we rejoin Karn, it has been months since the Lucrehulk departed New Salda. Every day you trained, not only yourself but Chaya and the twins as well. Gravity training in the mornings, Djem So practice under the ancient Sith Lord Darth Bane at noon, then sparring against her in the evenings. Spaced out with training the twins Tatsu and Tomi, testing your defenses against their unique style of attack, and taking an Instant Transmission trip back home to spar with the other kids daily.
What training had you focused with Chaya on?
>Teaching her Instant Transmission so she could keep up with her opponent, should he try and flee>Trying to help her control her newfound semi-divine power, ensuring she doesn't harm herself with it>Sparring against you with your Energy Body active for Su Ma training, making sure she stays mobile and never sits still in a fight to wear her opponent down faster>Extreme gravity sparring, pushing her physically past her limits daily so she won't ever break in a normal fight>Other(write in)