>>5597913“I know I just chowed down,” she giggles evilly, “but I could eat. And I wanna’ see what this body can DO!”
“We should just go,” Halle suggests warily. “They don’t know we are responsible for this… They have no reason to suspect Reptilian involvement. We don’t want to risk being spotted, and one of them escaping.”
“Oh please!” Irinnile scoffs. “There’s just the two of ‘em! But fiiiine, if you don’t want me ta’ do any risky play, I can just...”
The succubus flicks her wrist, and Kinslayer appears in her hand—burning red hot with bloodlust broiling up from her host and love, even now.
“Quick ‘n dirty-like,” Irinnile concludes, winking at you.
“Wait,” Halle interjects. “Look!”
You and the succubus return your attention to the two guards… And the third figure who has joined them on horseback, in notably more impressive armour: silvered steel, shining in the torchlight, obscured only by the pristine tabard eagle-bearing tabard of Hawksong, quartered with the sunburst symbol of the Paladins. His brown hair is long, worn loose, his face stubbled, his build rather impressive. On his belt, he carries a terrible-looking mace, flagged for maximum damage to flesh or steel.
“Shit,” Irinnile hisses. “That’s Chase. Ricky knows him. No gryphon, though, huh?”
“We NEED to go,” Halle insists.
“I mean…” Irinnile hesitates. “Like, maybe, yeah. But… Ya’ know, I bet we could still take him.”
You’re a little surprised at this sudden confidence from the cowardly she-demon. Her body language is like a coiled spring, all potential energy ready to be unleashed. Her hand is white-knuckled around the blade, her face flushed and pupils dilated, thighs squirming together. The influx of power from the massacre and the consumption of the incubus must be fueling her exhilaration and newfound confidence… And, like you, driving her to distraction.
>Shake your head, and take Halle up on her suggestion-you will sneak away in the cover of darkness, to go find your father and friend without attracting more attention>Nod, and descend upon these three wayward humans—you can’t pass up an opportunity to end the threat of this Paladin associate of the Green Knight, and you don’t want word getting out about what happened here quite yet>Tilt your head as you consider another potion… You could adjust your outfit, go out to meet them as a ‘concerned passerby’ and perhaps persuade these three fools of misinformation, even sewing the seeds for a meeting at the Paladin complex to discuss the matter further>Write-in