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The feeling within UZ1’s chest had resolved itself far better since the battle outside had settled itself. It was moments like these that she could understand her Master, TalOS, in that the Arch Dominus feared the unknown of the Warp. The time though that she lacked complete control had left and instead settled with a sureness in her mind.
With that sureness she rose from her seat and activated the mag locks to keep her attached to the shuttle’s floor. These moments were blessed with a series of commands entering within her mind that agency needed for these words.
“We have our orders.” The Adept announced in standard Gothic as the Astartes still lacked the proper implants to switch to binary, “The Fortress will be dropping sixteen clicks from a nearby population center of Orks. As the drop fortress is not fully prepared for combat upon impact a force will be sent out to exterminate the Ork population.”
She allowed her troops a moment to internalize the declarations and comprehend them. A simple tactic of speech so that none will lose themselves among her words. She knew this was not a problem with the Astartes and Acillians but as she was speaking in the common tongue the Skitarii would have issue.
“The Population Center that we are being tasked with fighting for is surrounded by a crystalline wall that was from the previous inhabitants held together by Orkoid engineering. We will be tasked with breaching the walls with the assistance of the Knights of Dutonis. Questions?”
UZ1 glanced about and saw no obvious motions of confusion. She was pretty sure the Astartes and Acillians, if they were confused, would never show such a side of themselves. As for the Skitarii they gave her digital affirmations confirming their objectives.
“We have reached understanding.” She declared with certainty internalized within her chest. Taking the moment she bowed her head as she prayed, “Machine God, deliver us to the battlefield with your tender care. Give us the strength to strike down our foes so that we claim humanity’s future. To this I pray, Deus Mechanicus.”
<span class="mu-s">“Deus Mechanicus”</span>
With her duties as a Priest done the girl slowly made her way back to her seat and engaged the harness system. In a few more minutes she felt the shaking of the vessel underneath her and it along with hundreds of other vehicles began raining onto the planet below.