>>5563749You can’t afford to throw a find of this caliber away offhandedly, but you need to stay mobile. Compromising, you instruct Pandion to haul it someplace isolated and keep it safe.
It could be a valuable source of actionable intel in the future. Especially if Gremlin can reprogram it or something. Either way, it deserves dedicated protection.
As you head for the bridge, a quick sigil check-in with the others gives you a better view of the current situation.
On their way to the maintenance area, Jack and Bobo were engaged by a gunman in some kind of yellow armor and a stylized helm. He’s dead now, but managed to smash up the safety controls. The ship is currently holding steady, but further damage might compromise it beyond repair.
They also spotted something interesting on the security cams. Three parties seem to be duking it out; Marina’s mercenaries, some kind of spec ops raiding party, and a sizable band of grizzled men armed with Cold War bloc hardware.
So far, it looks like nobody has a clear advantage.
As for Set and Thoth, they’re locked in a stalemate on the upper decks against a man with jagged iron skin. He’s wielding some kind of weird staff that Set has sworn to steal and cleave him in half with.
Well, it looks like somebody came prepared with some specialized muscle. That’s a point worth noting for future analysis.
Thankfully, the ensuing chaos makes it easy for you to infiltrate the bridge without further hostile distractions.
Once inside, you become privy to a curious sight.
Three figures are holding each other at gunpoint, your classic Mexican Standoff but with a modern twist.
The first figure is one you expected, Marina; armed with a machine pistol and some of her damned gas grenades. She’s panicking, you can tell at a glance.
The second figure is one you aren’t familiar with; big burly guy in dark clothes, looks to be missing an eye. Sporting a well-maintained but nonetheless obsolete AK model. Sour disposition, and looks ready to tear somebody’s throat out.